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Related Courses

We are thrilled to be a part of your data science learning journey. Below please find a list of related courses to FCDS to be taken to prepare for success in FCDS and after FCDS to continue learning data science at CMU.

Preparatory courses for FCDS

Note: these are suggestions for courses to take before FCDS if you have not already demonstrated the prior knowledge listed in the prerequisites.

11-603: Practical Programming with Python
10-606: Mathematical Foundations for Machine Learning
15-388/15-688: Practical Data Science

As the next step, depending on your academic program and interest, we think these courses are beneficial:

For MCDS students: please refer to the program course map or the curriculum on the MCDS website.

For Non-MCDS students:
11-631: Data Science Seminar
15-619: Cloud Computing
10-601: Machine Learning
05-839: Interactive Data Science
16-720: Computer Vision

(list to be updated)